Friday, September 28, 2018


What is it?
• “A creation and presentation tool for students and educators to create interactive classroom content, allowing learners of all ages to visualize concepts and communicate creatively.” 

• Buncee is user-friendly, allowing the user (teacher or student) to be creative and include all types of content or media.  Also, it can be used with any computer or browser.

• Aside from the technical issues that many arise, it is not free.  Unfortunately, users have to pay to gain access to different features. 
• Buncee is perfect for students to put together presentation collaboratively.  It is also a great tool to allow students to practice including multiple media and citing it.

Teaching It:
•Requires intensive lessons on using and guidance. 

Thursday, September 27, 2018


What is it?
• Plickers is a powerfully simple tool that lets teachers collect real-time formative assessment data without the need for student devices.”

• Supports critical thinking; allows all students to be engaged and participate anonymously.  Teachers gain insight into students understanding in real time.  Helpful when planning future lessons as the Plickers report facilitates determining who needs remedial or advance work.  Lastly, only one device is needed.

• The game only allows for multiple-choice, yes or no, or true or false questions limiting gauging a students thinking. Students might misplace or get their cards mixed up. 

• I would encourage the use of Plickers for formative assessments as it allows to get this done in a quicker manner that can be more engaging to students. 

Teaching It:
• All it requires is printing the cards, setting up the roster and one device to scan, therefore using it can be taught while actually using it. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


What is it?
• “A free online, game-based learning platform that can be used for any content area and easily integrates technology.”

• Teachers can customize depending on specific needs, units of study or content area.  Wonderful way to get kids excited about a test and gives teachers instant data as it assesses how many students missed a specific concept..  Teachers can create their own activity or chose from the preexisting bank.  Lastly, its free!

• The game only allows for multiple-choice, yes or no, or true or false questions limiting gauging a students thinking. As such, it is good for reviewing but not actual lessons.   Works great a 1:1 setting to get the most accurate data.  Can be very competitive and requires time for students to sign in.

• Once a teacher signs up, creates/picks activity, and students sign in the program runs on its on.  I would use this program to review before a test or even to assess students as an exit ticket in a 1:1 setting.  

Teaching It:
• The initial set up can be confusing and would require a short walk-through demo.